
A project is a set of tasks that must be completed within a defined timeline to accomplish a specific set of goals. They are planned and executed by a team of people who have the necessary skills and resources to carry out the work. Projects can have different purposes, such as creating a new product, service, process, or event, or conducting a research or study on a particular topic. 

At Lima Consultancy, we: can start the development of a project and invite a group of professionals to join it, while looking for grants; can join in the development of a project and contribute to specific tasks and objectives.

We have expertise in project management and in developing proposals for Horizon Europe and others.

A scientific project involves conducting research on a specific topic or problem, using scientific methods and principles. It usually aims to answer a research question or test a hypothesis, and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a particular field of science.

Some of the main differences are between a normal and a scientific project are:

Scientific projects require a rigorous and systematic approach to data collection, analysis, and interpretation, following scientific methodology and ethical standards.
Is based on empirical evidence and logical reasoning, and seeks to establish facts and causal relationships, rather than opinions or preferences.
Can be subject to peer review and evaluation by other experts in the field and must be able to withstand criticism and replication
Is expected to produce original and significant findings that add to the existing body of knowledge and literature on the topic.


Soil Care: submitted to the Biodiversa Joint Call – Biodiversa and Transformative Change

Leadership WorkGroup: Soil Pollution Monitoring and Regulation (FAO) – Mandate (2023-2025)